![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Reflections much!
Thursday, January 7, 2010, 22:04
Hello peeps! im finally free to blog. Actually no, got sem pro to finish. bt yea, need to relax! and im feeling so lost and alone now. actually it's just a feeling la. i still have what i nrmally have. well, trying to chill now. and ya, release everything here. =)) so who am i? just a fren?just someone u call a girlfren? i waited for ur text msgs. i waited for ur calls. bt it seems like u dun care. maybe coz u're busy. fine, i was warned abt ur busy schedule. bt could u at least make an effort? i've been thru this situation again and again. is this karma? i've nvr done these things to anyone before. hw could it be? well, nvm. when im kind, ppl step over my head. thinking that im ok with it. bt hell no! be it in relationships and friendships, this kinda things happen. bt nvm, im used to it. and like what someone once told me and keeps reminding me, this kinda things should not pull me down but should make me stronger. =)) so now im just reflecting on everything happening and had happened. u cme for me for it. walk away when it's nt needed. who am i nw? who am i bck then? i dun wnna have a say in anything abt this now. whatever that i borrowed u, i dun expect back. bt like what my mum always remind me, this thing, we cn nvr have a say, especially when it has reached a limit where they cn nvr promise to return. if u wanna return it slowly like u promised, i dn mind. bt pls shw me something. so it's btwn u and God. nwadays i just feel like i lost everything wonderful that i once had. mybe that's for letting ppl take control of me before. and that's for me being too soft spoken. dun wnna stand up for my own right. nw i've lost so many things. bt nvr will i regret whatever i did. coz i wont repeat what i did wrong. =)) and ya, i'd just pray for their happiness coz i believe in karma. so all the best ppl who used me before, who steps over me. especially the one who is sweet talker motherfucker. and the one who changed for me and nw is bck where he strted and blamed me for evrything. speaking of which, i really wnna say it here. a big lesson learnt for me. and it's frm my mum some more. so she told me, nvr to even pandang a guy (be it as a fren or boyfren), who asks a girl for money (be it just once or many times) because, these guys are the ones, who will be hurting their wives for money. and will be loving their wives because of money. so girls out there, pls. learn this by heart. coz i've lost lots to a guy, just A GUY. and to think of it again, it's a big waste coz i cn go shopping with the money, and also, he was the one wrking and im the one schooling. so hell yea! im happy i broke up with u. and my mum even said, if she knew abt this before, she nvr would have let u enter our house. so yea, have a great life! well, these days, i'm so glad my mates are there. they cheer me up each day without fail. frm early in the morning till late in the evenings. even at night sometimes, they will make me laugh and laugh. gosh, hw blessed am i? having such frens. i dnnoe how im living my poly life now without their presence. ohya! if im free again tmw, i'll blog again abt things done this week. =)) hmm, nt frgetting the BFFLs i have. nt that u are frgotten. it's the quality tht counts, nt quantity. meaning: it's hw much u mean to me in my heart, nt hw much u mean to me thru whatever i write down anywhere. u're still here in my heart where it has always been. so guess i better head back to help ifah on sempro, and finish more of my sempro final presentation ppt slides. =)) so, MISS ME! =)) |
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