![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
What a Blast!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 12:54
Hello again! i'm finally free to blog. but not that free, just taking a break. so, things have been happening these few days. i dnnoe where to start, but 1 thing's for sure falling in love is so wrong but it feels right. hmm, what am i saying? but nvm. so, yesterday was a blast, started off by being late for organic chem paper. WTH! nvm, was mugging the night before, till 3am ppl! =)) so after the paper, we headed off to KFC, wanted to eat. well, we reached early for lunch. so we slack at KFC for awhile and talk and talk. haha! then got this kids, their voice like upin and ipin seyy!!! i thought i was listening to the radio. then turned my head and saw this cute lil girl and lil boy. so then we had our lunch. and yan called asking abt my papers. well, Organic chem was ok. but maths? hmm. sucks!!! dnnoe what will biochem sci be... but nvm. k back to us. after lunch, hamka wanted to rush home. sembunyi bwh ketiak mak. haha! maen2 je hamka!! =)) so khai and hamka went off. baby lin, me and ifah waited for cun (ifah's BF). well, we decided to take a break and go bugis, and hamka also kirim a baju. so ya, we headed to bugis. well, we look and look for the shirt. wow! it's just so hard to get male clothes! IRRITATING! haha! then done our mission, he headed to national library. well, went there just to camwhore awhile. haha! then we headed down to city hall, to eat dinner i think. coz cun havnt eat. alamak! tknk blg siang2 tau. haha! jkjk! me and baby lin shared a bowl or mee hongkong. haha! *miniwok....* then go esplanade and chill. and guess who i found there!!! it's AYU!!! gosh do i miss that bitch!! =)) the last time i saw her was at prom. ceh tk lah. i also dnnoe when. i hugged her like what sey, haha! she was with her mataer lorr. haha! so it was 7pm already, i think. baby lin wanted to head home by bus. HMPH! then i become tiang lampu, best perr!! ceh tk lah. it was ok la, not so awkward. then we planned to go bongo or they catch a movie and i head home. then ifah say, "k lah2. kite gi bongo la, tgk peybu jap." then i smile like untill koyak. haha! so we reached bongo ard 8.30pm. then cun blanje us ben and jerry. i got cookie dough! YUMMIE!!! so long nvr eat that. haha. then i saw bu, awww.... so hawt! =PP then we waited for peybu to get changed and evrything at KFC there. then just chill. and they start to melatah me. hmph! but nvm, i like! haha. just that i'm tired. then got this one time only left with me, ifah, cun and bu. =)) then cun and ifah make me melatah say i love u bu!... and i said it. and i blushed. haha! EMBARRASING!!! then ya, they sent us off at the taxi stand. and we headed home. reached home at abt 11.30pm. then i msg2 with bu and slack at home. then at 2am talked otf with bu all the way till 4.35am... SO LONG!!! =)) WOW! haha! so now here i am, just wake up from sleep and feel like blogging. will post pics soon! waiting for ifah's pics... =)) heading down to ifah's place soon. to mug again. =.=" ok. guess now im going to bathe! miss me!! =)) |
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