![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Being a bitch?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 03:11
Hey ppl! =)) well, finally i feel like blogging abt what's happening in my life. well currently it's 0313am, and as normal, i'll reflect on what's going on. so now, i'm thinking abt my BFFLs, mia, aisyah, nad, nifa and yayat. Only god knows how much i miss those days our bond was super strong. how much i miss the days where we quarreled on some small lil things. all the days we had tgther la. when we pass ard our dishes when we eat. now, thats not happening. saddening. tried with my poly mates but yea, no they dun want. but nvm, really hope we go out to eat. =PP sometimes im just sad coz we're separated. i dun even know what's happening in ur lives. i doubt u know what's happening in mine. how i wish this holiday, we can meet up and just talk abt evrything under the sun. so far, planned out is to go picnic. hope it'll be fulfilled. really looking frward to it. ok, next is abt my school work, assignments and stuff like that. and it's 0325am. gosh, this is so not a holiday la. so many assignments. me and my babes still got tonnes of projects to fnish. really hope we can finish by 5th jan. i dun wanna rush anymore. very stressful sey! for example, tnight's class BBQ...! and the food is still not ordered. so i have to get up early to get evrything. GOSH! save me smebdy. lucky got peybu. he can wake me up. =)) next in my mind is my babes! well, i know my baby don't tell me something. but i sense she's hiding smething. nvm, i understand if u dn wanna share. but im always here for u k baby?? =)) and for my other babe, chill k hunns? mungkin ade hikmah nye die uat gitu. WOW! so melayu!! haha. thx to peybu la. teach me words! and ya!! he taught me one new word!! shoot! i frget! nvm, will tell korg soon! =PP and ya, back to my babe, no worries k? ur babes always here to cheer u up. really hope yesterday's hang out made u feel so much better. and hope it got u off things. =)) next is my hunks. haha!! well, i know my 9-yr-fren is hiding stuff frm me too. pls feel free to share k? aku tk prnah smbunyi pape dri kau seyy. and to my pink-purple-braces hunk, im here for u too. hope u loved the birthday bash. and, da ade memory kn...!!! =PP next is my love life.. well, it's been a bumpy one. i mean i dun care whether u think im a bitch or not. but this is my life. so FUCK OFF! well, currentlly, Peybu is in my ♥ besides my BFFLs, Babes and Hunks. =.= byk nyerr!! haha... he's the one who has been giving me all sort of advices. he's the one who gave me lame jokes. he's the one who make me filled everyday without fail. if he's not doing his show, which is in the morning and night, he'll always text me. and he's a cookie monster!! always eating! try going out with him..! GOSH! i can grow fat!! well, breakfast KFC. then headed to city hall. reach only he wnna eat burger king. so i also have to eat lor. he pakse me. ALAMAK! then we walk2 down esplanade and just chit chat. then headed to admiralty. and sit at carpark awhile. then he ask for macdonald plak. i'm like, "WHAT! bu nk mkn lagi?" then headed home and talked on the phone. and he said he wnna eat first. and i'm like................................... *shaking head* but nvm, he's my macho man! and ya, his bdy FUUHHH!!! *exaggerating expression* but seriously, he got the bod! remind me of taylor lautner though taylor is hotter. =PP ohya, just wanted to say this. no bad intentions but just wondering. if someone wants a break up, and u wnna say smething sweet to him/her, would u create ur own lines, dig out frm quotes in the internet or grab words from songs? someone gave me this, Even if you were a million miles away I could still feel you in my bed Near me, touch me, feel me And even in the bottom of the sea I can still hear inside my head Telling me, touch me, feel me And all the time you were telling me lies So tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you Tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you I’m gonna hold onto the times that we had Tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart Well you can try sleeping in my bed Lonely, only, nobody ever shut it down like you You wore the crown, you make my body feel heaven-bound Why don’t you hold me, need me, I thought you told me You’d never leave me And ya, it was very sweet to me. till i heard "Try sleeping with a broken heart" by Alicia Keys on 98.7fm. and i was heartbroken. not that i dn appreciate it. but better ask me hear the song and say that that is what he feels right? i mean, i'm not dumb right??? so i was like, ya. it's the end. and i'm sorry. i know i've hurt you. i know to u this is a huge mistake that im making. But, i'd rather learn it the hard way then being spoon fed. i dun wanna be the girl who follows whatever her guy ask her to do frm A-Z. so now, it's my family. so many things happening. im so fucked up. i dunnoe why, i do this wrong. do that wrong. sit at home also wrong. go out also wrong. then what am i suppose to do?? but i understand also, at home so many things happening. my atok start his angin already. wanna go hospital but got nothing wrong... and he kept irritating my uncle. used to irritate us to get my uncle. now got uncle already, he wan doctor plak. haiyo. ppl kept on saying, "sabar farr. old man. always like this" so im like ok lor. and my dad always got tricked. wonder why... does he look like a play toy ppl!?? we got a big family, yes, we look like we're rich. but pls! he's supporting 3 families!! seriously! dun mess with his money pls. so far, ppl owe him. i know it's thousands of dollars. but they wont be able to pay him. so FAT hope he's gonna be rich. so stop using him!! HATE U!!! so old already. i call u CIK. and u keep calling urself ABG. pls la!! u got anak already. dun ABG ABG me. SHIT U! gosh! so fed up with this kinda ppl. k stop this farr! sabar! =)) WHAT A LONG POST! FUUHH!! so now, i need to get up at 1030am latest. hope i can wake up. =PP so, end this post now. MISS ME! =)) Some pics took with peybu. =)) |
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