welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com!
i am Fariani!
Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short.
well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family.
Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai!
Living a world being short is fun!
Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone!
Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it!
And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me.
but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =))
Being cacat
Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 15:23

Hey peeps! I’m back again and I’m cacat now… Well, last Sunday, my silat grp got an invitation to perform for a wedding. And ya, there were 2 other grps.
And so they open the gelanggang and begins the show. It was fun la cn!! I mean after all the years I went missing. And finally back. So, it started out quite boring, coz ya, it was still early. After lunch break, everything starts heating up. And tok asked me to fight with saiful(a tall dude let me remind u). So we went into the gelanggang and buka our bunge2… Then ya, it’s a friendly fight though.
So we did laugh and for me, I think I was too evil to him. Haha. Well, and I got my punishment. During the friendly fight, I landed wrongly and KKKRRRRAACCKKK! My foot got a big hump. And till now, which is a Wednesday, 30 December, im still walking like a cacat. Haha. So ya, after the show, I met up Mia as she was at pasir ris also. But the funny thing was that her foot hurts coz of her heels. And mine got injured. So imagine 2 girls walking like cacat ppl. Haha!! And ya, I cnt tahan the pain. So decided to get ankle guard at causeway point. After that headed home. well, stayed home after that the whole of monday.
and tuesday i had to go out. can't stand it. haha. well, didnt go anywhere. just applied for a job. hope i get it. *fingers crossed* so after that met up with baby linda. baby ifah couldnt join us. hope u're ok baby! =)) so did only part of the poster. which i think is just 5%. HAHA! so did the poster with haikal. =)) and then met up with izrul, his cuzzie and shahfiq. and ya, headed to civic to lepak awhile. and wat's wrong with guys these days?? so emo!! they were listening to love songs la! haha! and i was like krik krik krik. =PP then ya headed home after that. and i just cant stand them. especially calling me catcat and cacat and all that la. haha. but ya, i had fun! =)) guess im finishing my post now. and ya, miss me! =))
Being cacat
Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 15:23

Hey peeps! I’m back again and I’m cacat now… Well, last Sunday, my silat grp got an invitation to perform for a wedding. And ya, there were 2 other grps.
And so they open the gelanggang and begins the show. It was fun la cn!! I mean after all the years I went missing. And finally back. So, it started out quite boring, coz ya, it was still early. After lunch break, everything starts heating up. And tok asked me to fight with saiful(a tall dude let me remind u). So we went into the gelanggang and buka our bunge2… Then ya, it’s a friendly fight though.
So we did laugh and for me, I think I was too evil to him. Haha. Well, and I got my punishment. During the friendly fight, I landed wrongly and KKKRRRRAACCKKK! My foot got a big hump. And till now, which is a Wednesday, 30 December, im still walking like a cacat. Haha. So ya, after the show, I met up Mia as she was at pasir ris also. But the funny thing was that her foot hurts coz of her heels. And mine got injured. So imagine 2 girls walking like cacat ppl. Haha!! And ya, I cnt tahan the pain. So decided to get ankle guard at causeway point. After that headed home. well, stayed home after that the whole of monday.
and tuesday i had to go out. can't stand it. haha. well, didnt go anywhere. just applied for a job. hope i get it. *fingers crossed* so after that met up with baby linda. baby ifah couldnt join us. hope u're ok baby! =)) so did only part of the poster. which i think is just 5%. HAHA! so did the poster with haikal. =)) and then met up with izrul, his cuzzie and shahfiq. and ya, headed to civic to lepak awhile. and wat's wrong with guys these days?? so emo!! they were listening to love songs la! haha! and i was like krik krik krik. =PP then ya headed home after that. and i just cant stand them. especially calling me catcat and cacat and all that la. haha. but ya, i had fun! =)) guess im finishing my post now. and ya, miss me! =))
Mummy gave me a beautiful name, Nurul Fariani
The oldest sister in the family, but have an elder brother
Family’s quite big: wonderful mummy, smart daddy, 2 handsome brothers and 2 pretty twin sisters.
Born on 10th September 1992, and now 17!
♥Taylor Swift♥Pussycat Dolls♥David Archuleta♥
NYP mates
Life is a bitch. Just live with it!
Being a bitch?
Happy 17th Birthday!
Happy 20th anniversary MAMA and PAPA! ♥♥♥
Lost in a maze
What a Blast!
Job well done dear friend ♥
Missing in Action
Silat Much!
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010