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What you got Boy is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I;m all strung out, my heart is fried
I just can't get You off my mind
welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com!
i am Fariani!
Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short.
well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family.
Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai!
Living a world being short is fun!
Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone!
Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it!
And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me.
but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =))

Sunday, May 23, 2010, 13:25

Hey Peeps!!!
Just wanna blog hahahah!!! sempat!!
So, as u all can see, Tests on the upcoming weeks...
I seriously gotta start mugging!!
and yea, worked 3 days straight 3pm-11pm..!!!
PENAT!!! got my rest yesterday...
so now gotta mug mug mug!!!
but before i start mugging...
Just wanna do a lil shout out...
to my frens, if u have any kind of prob, im always here...
pls dun hesitate to share...
and yea, someone reach month already seyy!!
hahaha!!! wished them already... but not here...
so here i am... wishing you two...
Happy first Monthsary guys!!! <33
Last Long!! and jgn gado2...!!
to You and You!!! HAHHAAH!!!!
u knw who u are...
so i gtg now...
hunny wanna go eat...
so i need to siap now!!
MISS ME!!! =))

Fun week!
Sunday, May 16, 2010, 03:28

He's my Everything! <3

hey peeps!

just felt like blogging...

so, this week was Awesome+Tiring!

i had my PMS the whole week.

didnt even helped out with some projects...

sorry babes! =((

so yea, Hunns wanted to surprise me with a bag...

so he planned with my babes..

but i did warned him, im not in the mood for surprises.

so yea, they gave me a surprise.

but my mood got them over....

im sorry for tht.. cant help with the cramps and all...

so here, i wanna thank all of u...

Hunns, ifah, linda and hamka!! =)) <3<3

then on friday, i tag along hunns with his frens...

we went karaoke... BEST!!!

so long nvr karaoke...

and this "betina" (hahahah!!! *looks at fana while giggling together*) spoil the whole Fun moment...

really enjoyed though...

but reached home ard 2am++... =PP

so then Saturday, ajak hunns and someone go Bugis...

wanted to buy a top and a side bag...

but the top, couldnt be found.

but i got a bag... =))

then headed down to orchard cineleisure..

eat at OTWC, and met up with someone...

then headed down to CWP coz wanna watch movie...

we got 4 movie tix for free!! =))

but hunns and i got one, the other 2 got theirs...

so then no time to watch movie... =((

so we just play games at timezone!


that's it for now...!!! =))

P.S: Loneliness never fail to conquer me.

But u'll always be there fighting it.

Just for me, I LOVE YOU! =))

Just letting out... =))
Monday, May 10, 2010, 22:44

Hey peeps ! =)

So, im actually supposed to do some research for A chem project.

but i cant help thinking abt this... and also waiting for Hunny to makan.. =.=

there's a few things actually...

so firstly,

what will u do if let's say you're damn hot but damn ugly?

get it? if not then nvm...

it's like everybody who dnnoe u wanna get close to u.

but for sme who knows u, will try to back away...

hmm... i cant picture tht happening in my life!!

hmm... but nvm abt tht!


what will u do to someone who just keep pushing ppl ard with werds and not absorb others?

in a way, expects ppl to listen and understand them,

but they will never do that back...


ur close buddy didnt wanna listen to u.

now that buddy is suffering,

will u still save tht buddy of yrs?


someone talk big abt it...

but nothing happens...

not only tht, the thing talked abt gets worst...

so this is just some thoughts and things bothering me...

though ppl tell me,


i cant... coz im partly involve too....

so till here...

jgn plak ader yg terasa...

i want solutions...

not fights kayy! =))

MISS ME!!! =))

Felt like blogging
Friday, May 7, 2010, 22:40


I really feel sick now! I dnnoe why...

Maybe my hunns passed his"angin" to me.


But nvm... despite all that, i really felt like blogging...

So, went thru alot, i must say...

It has been a VERY tough week for me i guess...

So, Monday was the worst!!!

my bro woke me up... he thought i took his MP4... o.O

i took it bfore i knw. but SORRY LA!!!

this time it's not me!!! I SWEAR!!!

the saddest part was that, even my mum dun trust me on this one...

i felt like breaking into tears when i found out...

well, afterall, she's the worst in the family mahh...

can't help it... haiz...

due to that my mood really went down the drain!

even hunns got scolded by me... Sorry hunns!

so yea, the rest of the days seem to be okayy...

i started this telemarketing work on wed!


"Good evening Mr ____. I'm from ____ and i'd like to inform u......."

and the line goes on!!!

hahah!! i got my own "office"...


so yea, now i just got back from birthday girl's house...

hope she enjoyed herself...

ouh and, she got 4 surprises in total by us!!!

how lucky are u babe??!!!

So Linda, here i wanna wish u again!!


dah legal seyy!!! =DDD

semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki ye kak! =))

Live the rest of tday well babe!!!


so, till here... i need to fnish my reflections for SemPro3!!!

toodles!!! MISS ME!!!


P.S: really scared! hope everything goes on just fine.

didnt expect the pressure to be this high...

Friday, April 30, 2010, 10:09

Do i look like this when i kiss? =PP

Last night, couldn't fall asleep.

Hunny was already sleeping. guess he's tired.

didn't wanna bother him so tried hard to sleep.

Nightmares kills me every minute i shut my eyes.

had so many things in mind i guess...

so decided to read a book.

managed to finish a chapter = 25pages

still can't sleep, and it was already 2.30am.

listened back to our past conversations.

the phone calls made before he entered NS.

read back all the sweet text messages he sent me.

couldn't imagine how i felt when i knew i lost him.

but luck came back and i've got him back with me.

so now i'm just lucky to get him.

and i guess i just miss him so much last night.

therefore, i wanna say.



Updates!!! =))
Thursday, April 29, 2010, 21:34

Hey Ho!! hahahah!! XD
so i've been gone for so long! Damn! I'm sooo sorry! especially for those who expect me to update them abt my life here... hehs... not on purpose kayy!! I've been too busy to even switch my lappy on. So this is gonna be a darn hell long of a post. I have a whole month to tell u guys!!
Here i start. maybe some missed out. too many to actually rmmber all...
So i remember going on a chalet with my dear Beloved BFFLs,
though Hunny can't overnight 'coz he's working the next day... =((
But i had fun though! we swam at night!
oh, the chalet is at Sentosa!!! =)) AWESOME!!!
we BBQ-ed at ard 5pm... then Hunny asked us to swim first, afterall, he's the chef for the night!
hahah!! then Hunny taught us how to do the front flips into the pool...
he did back flips too! (Y)
Oh, i did front flips... and mia and yayat too...
However, Nutt very Cacat!! hahhah!! she like ballerina...
she wanted to do front flip but become A...
but she nvr give up... almost there BFFL! =))
then still got the Pulau Ubin trip with Hunny and his friends...
AWESOME!! but not at all point of time...
this dumbo ass was there...
she run into my bike... said sorry but didnt mean it...
can gatal2 with my man sme more... WTF!!
so yea, i got tanned after that trip... and i think i lost some weight too! (Y)
Next is trip to nenek peah's chalet...
Hunny's family side...
i didnt overnight. coz Hunny was at work...
so we joined them the next day... went to Escape...
it's now boring coz Fun rides are not there anymore...
but yea, did have ALOT of fun!!
i cant really remember much though so i cant explain further... sorry!
then i cant remember anything else now...
besides hanging out with dear babe, Linda....
and ya think tht's it for holidays...
oh! one last thing!
i read up eclipse!! now trying to finish breaking dawn...
thx babe for the books! (Y)
So school time...
great!! now is the 2nd last day of 2nd week...
first week was awesome! but yea, tasks, assignments all piling up...
and i'm still the class rep since Yr1Sem1... o.O
SO many responsibilities....!!!!!
but nvm... with my babes and hunks and Hunny,
never will i live a second without a smile on my face.... =)))
oh, and last friday, me and the babes had this photoshoot!!
it was at The Studio!
thx to Linda for winning the thing...
had tonnes of fun posing and all...
we bought 5photos for $60 each...
but its worth it! will show u guys soon! =))
so yea...
that's the major things happening so far...
oh, so today is 29th April 2010...
Happy 7th monthsary Khai and Fee...
Last long and stay happy!!!
oh, and and, 3 more days to 2nd May 2010!!
for me and Hunny to turn a month older! =))
Farhan Fhaidil and Nurul Fariani,
together for 1yr6months!! <33
LOVE U!!! =))
really appreciate all the things done just for me dear!
u're my Mr Hawtstuff!! =))
Guess that's all for now...
TTYL! Miss me!!!
toodles!!! =))
P.S: am i that bad looking?? is it just 'coz i'm short and fat??

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 16:48

Heyy peeps!!
Promise u i'll update soon!!
been very busy ...

-Lotsa Love,
Farr Andrea!

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