![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Rotting at home
Sunday, March 21, 2010, 15:33
![]() Wherever you are it is your friends who make your world... Just typing it out coz in the photo, it's not that clear... so there's always a reason why i put a photo before a post... for this one, im gonna talk about rain and of course friends... =)) And this is gonna be a long post, so read if u want to and get lost if u don't want to... So as all of you might know it has been raining for the past few days... and for that, i'm too lazy to bring an umbrella out... so i'd rather stay at home and rot. -.- so here i am blogging coz i am seriously rotting now. hahaha!!! XD Hunny wanted to meet me, but i'm too lazy to get out of my house... sorry hunny... =)) I've been thinking lately... Of all the sacrifices i've made for my friends, be it close or not.... To think of it again... it's not worthy... i'm too good to them... again, i'm not pointing fingers to anybody okayy!! dun feel bad. it's just a flashback...!! may happen recently or also a long time way back then... and it's just reflections of my life that i feel like blogging... i'm a human being myself. i feel what you feel. i make mistakes like u did or may do in future. so forgive me if anything hurts anyone. and let me remind you again, this is just a reflection!! I used to believe in friends first then boyfriend... or best friends first then friends... but not anymore... only certain friends i believe in and i trust most... but sometimes they just prove themselves wrong... when i put them first, they'll put me last... it's heartbreaking to see that happens, seriously... only the person whom i trust most, whom i share my tears and laughters with knows... i know i've made mistakes to my friends who trust me... but it's a mistake! i'm not that sorta person... i do wanna save friendships which are gonna break apart... i tend to them. i try to make them happy with me... someone even told me this in malay of course, "Farr, u can still joke with her after what happen?" so i told her," i wanna save this friendship" and yea, it's okayy now if u wanna know. but thinking again and to say truthfully, i dun think it's okayy... if it's all okayy, things will be back to normal... and i MEAN normal... But it doesnt seems so... i asked the ppl close to me for advices... they replied the same thing, which is... "Just go with the flow. act like normal. but don't be desperate.." so i'm okayy with it. i'm used to these situations... sometimes i wonder why am i always in this situation? im a human myself. can't u forgive me and move on?? I tried my best to help friends achieve what they want. I tried my best to help friends through thick and thin. in terms of anything that i can... but seems nothing is treasured... true what Hunny told me, "don't sacrifice for ur friends. it's no use... u'll suffer later..." and it's true... he was with me for almost 1year5months. he witnessed everything. he was there with me. yes we did broke up at some time but yea, he was still there. thx hunny. appreciate it lots! and he warned me, dun give face to whoever asking help/favour from me. but me, i cant stop myself. and i continued to help. some time later, i cried to him. and keep asking why me? all he can do is just listen coz he dn wanna hurt me more by saying, "told u so!" haha... i can imagine him saying it to me now... and we'll be laughing together. so it happened again for the last time i hope. i helped a friend out. and it seems like whatever this person wants was achieved... im here trying to achieve the same thing still hasnt. and i dun think i'll knw this if i wasnt close to another person. oh well.... that's life..... =)) just take it in, and learn to let go... i'm very happy for 2 of my friends... really hope these laughters they share will last long... oh and, through thick and thin, a relationship will last long if you learn to forgive and forget. =)) whatever is your next step, take it slow. after all, you're still young! =)) ouh and one more thing!! tell me if anything happens okayy!!! dun keep it!! hehe.....!!!! =D so lastly, i hope to get a job soon...!!! saiful is trying to get to his friend to give me a job.... *fingers crossed* i hope i get it!! so before i end this post coz i wnna talk to Hunny, =)) and then maybe take a nap, i wanna apologize if anything i said hurt anybody... I'M SORRY... toodles!!! MISS ME!!! =))))) |
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