![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Party!!! =))
Friday, February 26, 2010, 02:46
Just fascinated by the COLOUR! ♥♥♥ So Maths was over, it sux big time..! Followed by Biochemical Science... it was great to me. Coz i've been failing it. and nw i really felt confident doing the paper. ^^ then OC was done... so now it's time to PARTY! hahaha!!! XD OC my favourite seyy... but too bad... it was kinda difficult though.... So today's plan was actually to go out with "someone". the plan was to go Hort Park then to Henderson Waves and all. then he go sleep... alamak!! haha... but nvm, i understand... u didnt sleep at work last night.. so decided to just chill with dear BFFL, Mia... =)) So here i am now with her at RP... just hanging out.. Chilling with our lappy and also Honeydew milkshake! ^_^ For tmw's plan, is gonna be Dear John-ing!! hahaha!! it's a double date thingy... *looks at smebdy* Me with "someone" and and Linda and Saiful!!! WOO!!! hahaha!!! =)) guess gonna end here... wanna snap some shots... hehs... Miss Me!! ^_^ Glad we had that talk
Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 22:58
Hey peeps! Today maths paper just sux big time. I seriously got no confident that i wont stayback... 0.O It's like DAMN difficult kayy!! i rmmber looking ard the exam hall coz i cnnt do the paper.. and like i see alot of scratching heads and given up faces... hurhur... funny sight...!! :P ![]() So today also, had a small argument with my clique. I'm so glad we talked things out. Im sorry to all of u if ive made any mistakes. But especially to u, I'm sorry... so glad u forgave me... =)) hope things go smoothly btwn us! and and this friendship is treasured very much to me! Hope we stick together no matter what... and like what khai said, till we get married... hurhur... kayy... till here... somebdy also bad mood now.. Need to be there for him.. =)) toodles!! ^^ MISS ME!!! ^_^ thx alot!
Monday, February 22, 2010, 22:53
thx eh! thx a whole lot for spoiling my mood... tmw is exams okayy! so i got no mood to study. Again i wnna say, if ure not happy with me, approach me and talk. u told me once before, the fact that u cant study with MY face around... It created a huge impact to me okayy! but i did not ever get that to u. kept it to myself. but u on the other hand, had a bad day. yes i can see tht. tried to cheer u up. but no, u took that as an insult. so be it. im sorry for tht. BUT there is no need for u to push all ur BAD DAY to us okayy. so what, if u have a BAD DAY, u gonna bring it to werk isit? Ohya. btwn all of us, ure the one werking. u should be mature enough to knw this fact. so pls, think back. im not trying to worsen ur day. but u TOTALLY spoilt mine. take care. and, HAPPY MUGGING! ^^ While waiting for a call...
Sunday, February 21, 2010, 00:33
![]() Hello peeps! =)) Just felt like blogging... I know what i said at the previous post. Abt going missing coz need to mug. But now i just really felt like blogging... =D Now I'm kinda waiting for someone's call. That person currently eating... -.- So yesterday i mugged the whole day! =)) Not really la. But mugged with Linda and Dan frm noon till about 3.30pm. Coz she wanna watch movie with her friend. Then both of them left me alone at Cafe Galilee. Oh and btw, cookies and creams moo super nice!! Taste like McFlurry just the way i like it, Melted. HAHA! then met ifah and chill awhile. WE HUNGRY SEYY!! thx to Linda lorr... haha! ask us to wait for her... so we wait... then went back to library to mug again. Ifah taught me maths. sorry babe if i make u stress... then went to fetch my brother frm silat. ohya, smebdy said i look pretty... ^^ then reach home and start mugging again... -.- MATHS MATHS MATHS!! differentiation. integration. and more!!! =___=" since im abit slow. i really suffered alot at home. trying to figure out the sums and all.... But then someone txt me... so long i nvr talk/chat/webcam and all la with him... thought he forgotten abt me. BUT no... he remember! :D then we webcam awhile. He's like a big bro to me. ^_^ really happy he was there that night. I ask so many qns seyy. But when he wnna answer only, i figure out the answer already. -___- anyway, if u're reading this, THANK YOU! oh oh. and i still rmmber your palm to palm and form a big SMILE. =)) ok then till here. That person call me already... TOODLES! MISS ME!! =)) Plain thoughts
Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 22:23
So many things going thru my mind... Family, Studies, Friends, And Alot More!!! -.- hmm... i'm just too stress out with life now. -.- Exams are just a week away. And my confidence level is very low! Wonder whether i can progress to Year 2 which I'm really looking forward to. Well, I'm going to be missing soon. Gonna be busy mugging my ass off... ^_^ So this is my last post before the "Mugging session". And And, someone told me, and never fail to tell me, "Susah sekarang, senang kemudian..." Always will bear that in mind... ^_^ So, next one that really bothers me is this guy here... HAHA!!! kk i knw la lame... haha!! -.- But then people around me who knows about what's happening in my life, keep on telling me... "Just leave him babe. Find a better one... You deserve a better guy who can take GOOD care of you... Don't waste your youth..." So, what's bothering me is that, I'm afraid of hurting him. Though he had hurt me too many times... HAIYO!!! Forget it... Move on to the next thing in mind... This gentleman here... Never fail to put a smile on my face... Shared too many ups and downs with him... Since the day i got to know him... Sure he did hurt me alot... Same goes to me, hurt him alot too... But though we went through all of this... Got separated SO many times, But still, till now can't seem to let go of him... Can't seem to forget him... And I'm very glad that he's back in my life... ^_^
OK stop thinking babe! Time to study... i mean not now. but tomorrow.. ^_^ Now gotta call someone, he's working tomorrow... so cannot keep him waiting... So till next time... Toodles!!! MISS ME!!! ^_^
Great day spent! ^^
Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 00:00
Hello!!! sorry to go missing for sometime... too busy studying i guess... (YA RIGHT!!!) So yea, i kinda just came bck... frm town. haha!! Linda la, ajak me go shopping. kk, long story but i try to cut it short kayy?? so tday planned to jz accompany Linda to shop. At 1.30pm, we plan time to meet up and place la... so firstly, plan, 3pm at AMK platform. but then. me, mentel sgt. go karaoke till 2.30pm. HAHAHA! then i call Linda, say i late lor. then she say kk nvm. she also just strt to get ready. so yeah, i choose what to wear close to an hour...!!! stress seyy!! haha!! then kept calling her ask her abt wht she wear and all la... bole jdik gile seyy! ask Izrul la... my face aftr choosing... HAHA! then asked Izrul whether i look okayy.. and my sweet hunny said, Ok! so i smiled. then i ask him la, tk klua? then he like sad seyy... he said Faris nvr pick up his call... so i ajak him la.. go out with us. then he dun wan. so nvm lor. i ajak already what. ksian scandal aku ni... :P k so bck to Linda, i met her at about 4pm. first plan to walk ard Orchard. when we reach only, wahh!!! NO shop seyy!!!! Super pissed! :P so headed to City Hall and walk ard Marina Square. then wanna catch a movie. but all at 10pm. and all boring movies.. so decided to eat at Burger king. Linda got double swiss and i got rendang. Thats the spot tht make us kutuk org. made me i mean. then kutuk2.... all the way till we were chilling at esplanade. snapped some photos... and kutuk ppl sme mre! haha! but then got this grp of guys. GATAL!! keep calling us. then when we turn, just smile. like WTH!! Get a life!!! so got this 2 guys sitting near us. they were foreigners and and SUPER CUTE!! haha!!! frm the strt when they sat, we were like trying to listen to their convo seyy... trying to figure out what language they talking. bt too bad... ohya!!! got one time, when Linda was posing for the camera, got a passerby say, "act cute!" HAHAHAHAHA!!! i was like ROFLMAO! then Linda was pissed lorr... haha!! then talk2... and headed to raffles. thought wanna go Ben&Jerry. but tk jdik. cz i gatal, wanna go river island. and got tights and a PINK tank top!!! ^^ so at the end of the day, Linda bought 0 items. and i bought 2 items. And i spent 50bucks in total! so yea, thx eh Linda!!!!!! HAHAH!!! had alot of fun though... ^^ k till here... im waiting for smeone to answer fire call... -.- take care! Miss me! ^_^ Releasing stress with clique!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 00:00
HEY!!! first things first... to YOU! who hates me so much, STOP VISITING MY BLOG! Just fuck off! no need to dirty my blog! And 1 thing i wnna say to u. Just face reality, u are not a man! dun dare face me, A GIRL, and just talk things straight at my face. But writing names such as ***** and passerby?? forget it la! k so stop this shit. so tday we went back to school. though we have no school today, hehe... nk blaja!! =)) kk then we studied. and took a break. hehe,,, and then,,,, CAMWHORING SESSION! so actually this post is just to publish the pics we took. =)))) here it goes... ENJOY! and ya, i wanna talk to my special someone now.. toodles! MISS ME!!! =)) ![]() So many things happening
Saturday, February 6, 2010, 20:28
Trust is a BIG word. So ppl say, with no trust, there's no love. and also, it's easy to lose someone's trust. But is VERY difficult to gain that trust back. So went through ALOT this week. Got to know ALOT this week. Missed ALOT of lessons this week. Cried ALOT this week. Got angry ALOT this week. And did all the negative things ALOT this week. So yea, if u wnna play this game with me, I'll play along. Trying to make a fool out of me huh? Lying to me all u want huh? Let's just see who is the bigger fool aites? =)) ok so despite all this tough moments... i did enjoyed myself..! =D did my eyebrow. with linda and ifah. hees. linda was so funny la cn? then like ya, dnnoe why im this dumb. after what he did, still cn treat him to Seoul Garden. but nvm, let's make this the last time huh? =)) so yea, me, ifah, cun and peybu. we ate lunch at Seoul Garden. But the most FUN part this week is EVG 10th Anniversary! =)) got to meet my dear darling BFFLs! got to meet my EXC6! got to meet my old pals and teachers! Full strength for BFFLs! Aisyah, Nutt, Yayat, Mia, Nifa! =)) but then, my mood wasnt there. thx to someone. hmph. Wahh!! best per mataer aku tk klua dgn aku uh. k lah. klua dgn pmpan yg aku baru knal la. tapi blg mataer yg pmpan tu kwn lame. BEST PER!! =DD so nvm, decided to give him chance. by asking him qns tht make him lead to the truth. but ya, as usual, lies get difficult. he decided not to tell the truth and carry on lying. so i decided to play another game. let's be at fault for smething. and make him feel guilty. but no, he decided to be mad at me. and not feel guilty. The least is tht, he heard my cnfession before anyone told him. and he heard it frm MY mouth. not like wht he did. it was like almost a month ago. and i heard it frm my frens who knew a close to a month ago. hw hurtful is tht. still waiting to hear it frm ur mouth! so like ya, let's just wait and see huh? =D ok currently watching Mr and Mrs Smith. haha! LOVE IT! so, i'd better end here. MISS ME! =)) Blast of a time
Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 19:58
Hello! finally i got afew minutes to update this blog. so ya, this wk was quite a blast. so many things to d0.. on satrday, my fmily went over to granny's place... and ya, as usual, go there only, EAT!!! hahaha! and get a few bucks!! WOOOHOOO!!! =DD so then Sunday was planned out to be a day to STUDY! but then, dear linda asked me to accompany her to her bestie's sister's birthday party. so, tagged along. and we got lost. -____-" so we were supposed to be at the other end of the neighbourhood.... ALAMAK!! and its FREAKING HOT! bt yea, we talk2 tht we didnt realise the fact tht we reach the place already. hahaha! so monday, nothing much. just went to sch, maths tutorial SUCKS! then slack, and headed for OC tutorial and lab. we made nylon for OC lab! and guess how long was ours!!! it's 5.7m!!! WOOHOO!!! haha...!! then today was hilarious... laughed so many times with the babes and hunks... khai!! pekak pe!! korek telinga la!! ahahaha!! ppl say red bull... he heard konek bu... was like WHAT??!! then hamka wnna say double cheeseburger, become dabbie cheeseburger... and hatta got a phobia... which is me!! haha!! and and hatta cnfident!!! he thought we havnt watch phobia2... then he said, " eh!! aku da tgk phobia2!!" then i said, " so? kite da lame da tgk... pt wayang..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok dah. tu je.... and ya, cnt wait to meet my beloved BFFLs and EXC6!!! till here..!!! toodles!! MISS ME!!! =))) ohya! sme photos taken during the exhibition!! we got B+ for poster and B for model! =) ![]() |
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