![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Friday, January 29, 2010, 01:14
isnt she just BEAUTIFUL???!!! GORGEOUS!! Hello everyone! =)) just finished watching America's Next Top Model-cycle 13, PETITE season! and FYI, petite means short. so stop criticizing shorties! we can model okayy!!! =)) so ya, kinda sad my fav ones didnt win. but nvm, u're gorgeous! im referring to Erin okayy ppl! =D she's just so beautiful la! im like admiring her right nw. i love her lips!! =)) so, today we had our exhibition. im too sleepy to elaborate mre. sorry... but im gonna say this: thx babes! for doing what we did. am very proud of us! and to hamka, ACTION! SHOW OFF!! =)) so aftr the exhibition, headed to wdlnd to meet mia. at frst ew didnt knw wht to do. till smebdy was saying abt buying dress *looks at ashraf* so i finally bought smething blue. actually wanted white. bt im so nt meant for white. coz i dnnoe hw to take care of it. hehs... so ya, waited for smeone... coz he wanted to go home with me... and like when i met him, he was like him... ahaha!! ape aku mepek ni? *yawning* so ya, walked home with ashraf... wait, let me remind u, i was at wdlands heading home at marsiling... With my heels on!! haha! great practice for working life huh? =)) so nw i think im going to bed. there's just an hour of school tmw... SO MALAS TO GO! bt, demi BCS, i'm going!!! so ya, night ppl! =)) MISS ME!!!!=)) Busy Busy Week
Saturday, January 23, 2010, 22:09
![]() Hey peeps! So sorry for not updating for so long!! I’ve been very busy… with sempro2! And ya, I don’t know why. Whenever I wear formally, people will say this: Farr! You look so bitchy and like naughty office. Thx to Ganesh lorr, the fire starter. So today is very slacky but tiring day for me...But im very satisfied + happy too. hurhur... coz me and my babes managed to find the stuff needed for our model! and it's just left with making the model! hurhur... though last min, we nvr fail to give a good result. =)) so presentation wise, it was great!though we finished earlier than expected. =.= we were given 15 min to present, no more and no less...but we were fast. Darn it. but nvm. we did well.and ya, it's just a few marks gone. im so proud of us! =)) tmw will be making the model. Hope cn finish before 1159pm of 24Jan2010. =)) so tday, firstly when i woke up at abt 11am, smebdy greeted me very well! ^_^ with a sweet msg... =)) and then txted linda to cnfirm time and place meeting for sempro2 model making. so she said at 1.30pm at my place.and it was 12noon at tht point of time. so ya, i still layed lazily on bed. text-ing peybu... ^_^ suddenly time flies super fast! =.= it's 1pm and linda txt me saying she just went out of her house. and i haven't kmas my rm, mandi and like nothing is done. so i told her to dilly dally... then when she was at my doorstep, i just finish kmas-ing my rm. and ya, haven't mandi yet.=.= and i opened the door, saying "sorry aku blm mandi. tpi aku wangi tau!" then linda was like "yelah2 farr..." so then i bathe and we headed down to causeway point. then at 6.30pm linda had to go off. but she called her house, and had 30 mre min to spare. so we head down pasar mlm and bought tako yaki! had been wanting that!! =)) then we took the train and i head off to yishun to meet ifah. haha, 2 dates...! ^_^ so bought the final things needed and headed home. and on the bus, there's this hawtie...!! ^__^ and was txt-ing with linda. she was telling me abt the choc cake she's having.. GRR!!! I WANT!!! then i was like an idiot seyy, smiling alone in the bus. =.= hmm... peybu just text me!! hehs...!and im chatting with my babe. Hope whatever is happening nw disappears k babe? im always here to cheer u up every single day! =)) and to my hunny who wanna read my blog so bad, muke maintain kalau mendak tu.. HAHAHA!!! k lah, blog again soon! =)) here are some pics taken during the presentation day! =)) cheeky farr ^_^ Just felt like blogging this
Saturday, January 16, 2010, 15:15
![]() Hey peeps. Guess I’m blogging for a reason here. Well, was arranging my folders in my lappy. Scared that I’ll lose any and can’t find it. =.= So ya, I came across a folder, it was memories I kept accidentally. So ya, I collected all the pics I had with this person. It was a long time ago. And coincidently, I’m listening to ‘we belong together-Mariah Carey’. So ya, all the memories just flashed back into my head. I wonder why tears are rolling down my cheeks. But, leave the past behind. I wanna carry on living my life. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in life. I’ve hurt a lot of people. But, never will I let any of these to pull me down. Coz, no matter how tough it is, I’m gonna be stronger to face the next one. Farr is not that farr that u know before. *kening up down* And ya, just a lil reminder, Nobody messes with my BFFLs! =)) Nobody messes with my babes! =)) And nobody messes with my hunks! =)) So ya, to the person who I believe need to be sabar now, I hope things will go smoothly for u, coz I know how deep your love for him is. Gonna try my best to cheer u up every now and then. Selagi aku hidup, tidak ada kawan2 ku yg boleh bersedihan. =)) CEHH!!! Farr seyy! =.= And ya, I failed my maths and biochem. But passed my organic chem. So ya, gotta buck up babe! And stop fooling around! STUDY! Hmm, guess I gotta end here. =)) Going to sleep now. =)) MISS ME! =)) Happy =))
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 22:34
Being Happy is all i wanna be. so sorry i can't update on what happen last wk. am very busy with school assignments. well, at least i got some photos! well, nothing much i wanna say. tday was a boring day. planned to finish semestral project's poster by tday. planned to meet my babes to do that. bt well, guess we were lazy + we knw tht slim chances it will be cmplete if we met up. so ya, decided to do it at our respective homes. and just discuss online. MSN really helps in that kinda situation. so ya, struggled abit with the photos. bt as we were searching, my migrane came. and i was really pissed coz it came at the wrong time. so i decided to take a break and take a nap. sry ifah, left u alone. coz linda also had migranes. so she also got her rest. then i woke up ard 5pm i think. and ya, cntinued with the poster. im proud to announce i found the background and updated everything tht ifah did. and then send it bck to her for her to kinda add sme more. Fuuh!! farr sey!! i knw it's =.=", bt it's a success for me! =)) ok, im tired nw. wnna sleep. so while im sleeping. u guys cn enjoy the pics below! hehs. =)) MISS ME! =)) Random Pose ![]() me and Ella! =.=" ![]() Ella! (kakak ifah, Alya) ifah Lawa kn!! =)) Reflections much!
Thursday, January 7, 2010, 22:04
Hello peeps! im finally free to blog. Actually no, got sem pro to finish. bt yea, need to relax! and im feeling so lost and alone now. actually it's just a feeling la. i still have what i nrmally have. well, trying to chill now. and ya, release everything here. =)) so who am i? just a fren?just someone u call a girlfren? i waited for ur text msgs. i waited for ur calls. bt it seems like u dun care. maybe coz u're busy. fine, i was warned abt ur busy schedule. bt could u at least make an effort? i've been thru this situation again and again. is this karma? i've nvr done these things to anyone before. hw could it be? well, nvm. when im kind, ppl step over my head. thinking that im ok with it. bt hell no! be it in relationships and friendships, this kinda things happen. bt nvm, im used to it. and like what someone once told me and keeps reminding me, this kinda things should not pull me down but should make me stronger. =)) so now im just reflecting on everything happening and had happened. u cme for me for it. walk away when it's nt needed. who am i nw? who am i bck then? i dun wnna have a say in anything abt this now. whatever that i borrowed u, i dun expect back. bt like what my mum always remind me, this thing, we cn nvr have a say, especially when it has reached a limit where they cn nvr promise to return. if u wanna return it slowly like u promised, i dn mind. bt pls shw me something. so it's btwn u and God. nwadays i just feel like i lost everything wonderful that i once had. mybe that's for letting ppl take control of me before. and that's for me being too soft spoken. dun wnna stand up for my own right. nw i've lost so many things. bt nvr will i regret whatever i did. coz i wont repeat what i did wrong. =)) and ya, i'd just pray for their happiness coz i believe in karma. so all the best ppl who used me before, who steps over me. especially the one who is sweet talker motherfucker. and the one who changed for me and nw is bck where he strted and blamed me for evrything. speaking of which, i really wnna say it here. a big lesson learnt for me. and it's frm my mum some more. so she told me, nvr to even pandang a guy (be it as a fren or boyfren), who asks a girl for money (be it just once or many times) because, these guys are the ones, who will be hurting their wives for money. and will be loving their wives because of money. so girls out there, pls. learn this by heart. coz i've lost lots to a guy, just A GUY. and to think of it again, it's a big waste coz i cn go shopping with the money, and also, he was the one wrking and im the one schooling. so hell yea! im happy i broke up with u. and my mum even said, if she knew abt this before, she nvr would have let u enter our house. so yea, have a great life! well, these days, i'm so glad my mates are there. they cheer me up each day without fail. frm early in the morning till late in the evenings. even at night sometimes, they will make me laugh and laugh. gosh, hw blessed am i? having such frens. i dnnoe how im living my poly life now without their presence. ohya! if im free again tmw, i'll blog again abt things done this week. =)) hmm, nt frgetting the BFFLs i have. nt that u are frgotten. it's the quality tht counts, nt quantity. meaning: it's hw much u mean to me in my heart, nt hw much u mean to me thru whatever i write down anywhere. u're still here in my heart where it has always been. so guess i better head back to help ifah on sempro, and finish more of my sempro final presentation ppt slides. =)) so, MISS ME! =)) Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!
Friday, January 1, 2010, 18:35
Happy New Year! Well, have been thinking through everything that happened in 2009. And hell yea, so many things happened. Be it major or minor, be it happy or saddening. All of it will not be forgotten. For those whom I’ve hurt or made any mistakes, really hope u forgive me. It’s a new year, let’s start a new chapter together. We forgive and forget. Start over. To my beloved family. Especially to my parents, I’ll try my hardest to make u proud. My other siblings, Study hard kay!! The twins: next year PSLE, study hard. Make mama n papa proud. Raihan: Secondary already, stop fooling ard. Try to get frm NA to Exp. Abg: I’m so jealous u’re taking driving lessons now. HMPH! K lame. =.=
To my BFFLs, really miss u damn much. Though this holiday we couldn’t meet, I’m sure we won’t forget each other, right? =)) Hope this strong friendship never ends. After all that we’ve faced together. Nadhirah, Aisyah, Irnifa, Roshazmira and Hidayat. My beloved BFFLs. To my babes, Haslinda and Latifah, I knw we’ve just met this year. That’s why I’m thankful to have met u babes. Hope our friendship nvr ends. =)) And keep that hot and sexy memories of ours aites. =)) ![]() To my hunks, Hamka, Khairul, Hatta and Ramdan, thx for being there for me. Stay the way u always be everyday. And dun paitao ppl dan! =)) ![]() Lastly, to my beloved EXC6, all 14 of u. Timothy, Eileen, ZhiQi, Ronald, John, Kathy, Philoe, Daryan, Haleem, Fana, Angeline, Jing Peng, Li Zhen. I’m so sorry I could’t come down for the chalet. Sprained my foot. And needed to rest at home. Hope u guys had fun though. And, hope this strong bond we had always had from the start will never end. From trashing out sessions, to planning, to organizing, to carrying out, to camps, to praying hard together, to stepping down and now to meet-ups. I really treasure u guys. Though we don’t share problems. Which had been a question mark to some of us. Why we don’t share our problems with each other, but we mean so much. Hmm… but nvm. I still love u! But most importantly, to all, Happy New Year. Hope 2010 will bring a better future to all. =)) Wait, haven’t finish la! My resolutions! I haven’t list them down la! Hurhur… So here it goes. » Look for a part-time job » Stop asking money from parents » Stop skipping lessons =)) » Improve in studies » Get Mr RIGHT » Make my parents proud » Be a better person Ok done. Haha! So many, so easy, yet so difficult to fulfil. Let’s hope I get to fulfil these resolutions of mine. =)) Guess I better end now, ppl get bored reading huh? Yea, who cares!! Think I care?? Hurhur. So ya, love urself before u love others. =)) MISS ME ! =))) ♥♥♥♥ Happy Birthday Mama! ♥♥
, 16:49
♥Mama and Me♥ Cute kan Mama ku!! ♥ Hello peeps! It’s 010110! What a nice date! Well, since it’s the start of a new year, of course it’s also my beloved mama’s birthday! So, Happy Birthday Mama!! =))) I know I’ve done a lot of mistakes. I know I’ve made u upset, disappointed, angry, mad and everything la! I know I’ve made u cry a few times. I know I’m not the kind of daughter any mums would wanna have. But no matter what, I still respect u as my mama, still love u as my mama. Though I don’t show it. Though I don’t say it. You’re always here, in my heart. You’re always my mama that I love since young. I’m sorry for everything wrong I had done to u. I’m very grateful that God still allow me to hug u everyday. Grateful that you’re still around to scold me, to teach me and to nag at me. =)) So, here I am, as a daughter, wishing u a happy birthday! Sorry I didn’t get u anything. I’m out of cash. =PP And I promise u, that one day, I’ll bring u out to dinner, with the whole family, my treat. =) I’ll always pray for your health, wealth and happiness. =)) Love u so much Mama! MUUAACKZ!!! ♥♥ Specially green coz it's Mama's fav colour! =)) Happy Birthday Mama!! ♥ |
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