![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Beautiful Lazy Sunday
Sunday, November 29, 2009, 13:44
Hello again! just plain bored trying to practice maths. Tmw's test is on intergration. GOSH! I'm supposed to do BCS lab report. Guess what! I dun really know what i'm supposed to do. OMG right...? sorry linda and ifah for having such worthless member in the grp. but i'm trying my best! =)) well, so today is hamka and hatta turning 17! baek adek2 ku! =)) so wishing u a happy 17th birthday...! together with BOB and JERRY! =) hope u enjoy the rest of 29/11/09 meaningfully! =) now i'm just sending lab photos from my hp to my cuzzin's then to my lappy... LECEH! HMPH! so havent meet hunny for quite sometime. haha! WTH! thurs aru umpe. OMG! thurs! lame sey tu! wow! =PP i'm not obsessed with him ok! bluek! so ya, missing my baby! wondering what she's doing now. so silent. nvr text me... nvr msn me... nvr oovoo me... ='( majok uh ngn baby! monday dun talk to me ah!!! haha! no lah.. monday i give u a long kiss ok baby?? wondering how she is with that botak guy... haha! talking abt it, hmm... guess what happened that day!! we were walking home i think. that outside de LTQ the botak sitting with his members. then my baby saw him and take cover! LITERALLY take cover!! like as though kene bomb...! she pull me sey!! and ran all the way to outside the toilet. very hilarious! the look on her face! 1 word... CACAT! haha! kk stop! sorry baby! better end now. cuzzin wanna use my lappy to facebook-ing... =)) well, ohya! i caught NEW MOON with baby! =D BEST LA! i mean OMG! taylor lautner HOT LA! he's like the whole package la! He got the face which is CUTE! he got the HOT bod! and ya, he's my age! OMG KAN!!! =PP everytime part he's bod is on screen, i'll be like... BABY! he's so hot la! tk leh angs la! i'm so cair already! OMG! and she's like yelah! she's obsessed with Rob. eww! haha! and i'm obsessed with taylor!! WWWWOOOOHHOOO!!!! =)) kk, cuzzin tgu dari tadik. kesian dier... so i promise to update on silat soon! MISS ME! =)) Lost in my own world
Thursday, November 26, 2009, 10:47
So many things happening in my life. it's 26/11/09... happy birthday FARHAN! =)) so sorry for everything... too many things in my life now. i fucked my life BIG TIME! yesterday really sux! first got into a big merepek fight. and ya, i was the fire starter AGAIN. so sick of this shit. then as time flies. the bitch uat hal. i just sabar... only linda knows... thx babe for being there. then at night met up with mia... she needed to use my lappy so bad... so we headed to her hse, she said an wasnt home. when we reach, he's home...! then i forced myself in, and ya, he slammed the door on me. ouch i know. but i did worse to him. so its ok. so long nvr go her hse. after the big thing. i felt sooo awkward. i mean ya. then mak ngah and ibu's conversation really hit me. mak ngah dnnoe that we're just friends now. makngah: aik, mataer pt luar. dier nye tdo? ibu: dah hari2 nampak muke, lagipon bsk dier keje. mataer dier plak ntah bile nk tinggi2... makngah: lahh... ok... Rai (sebok2 masok campor) : memang dier, pendek aje! OMG la... i was so hit.... then headed home ard midnight... by then an was asleep. wanted to wish him happy birthday. but nvm, ure working, so i wont disturb u... =)) now at PED tutorial.... super boring... the tutor talking to the whiteboard. hahaha!! kk, till here... will update on silat competition soon! MISS ME! =))) Random post
Saturday, November 21, 2009, 19:47
Hello! =)) ![]() At LTQ1 with moon and boon. ![]() Aww.. the person that has always been there for me. =) ![]() Just doing stupid poses ermm... ![]() HAHA! ![]() alien headed. one big the other small. and their in love! =PPP ![]() choc chip cream frappe! =DD ![]() ooohhh.... soo moon!! haha! ![]() hamka and ifah ![]() at starbucks ![]() with hamka ![]() haha! my face so minah sey! ![]() with hatta acting what he always do, acting cool.. HATTA! jgn act cool la! SMILE! =)) I'm just blogging to relax myself. so nervous for tmw. hmm... my mum still can ask me kemas rumah. hmph. so i'm just posting things that me,linda,ifah and laen2 do when we're bored/during breaks. And these are just some of the photos.There's hundreds of them. i just put in some. so, gtg now. mummy calling already. MISS ME! =))) COMPETITION!!
Friday, November 20, 2009, 22:59
22nd November 2009 My competition, solo puteri and masal venue: Henderson CC Estimated time: 9am-5pm (most likely later) hopes this ppl will come... -Mummy and Daddy and Family -Yan -BFFLs: mia, yayat, nifa, nad and aisyah -Mates: linda, khai, hamka, ifah, farhan and yg laen la -Farhan -Nana well, ni yg i remember so far... really really hope korg dtg kays?? tk leh tkpe. i understand coz of distance and schedule and work and stuff like that. so better end here. need to rest, just got back from training. aches everywhere especially legs... night korg! MISS ME!! =DD Just being bored
, 10:38
![]() Falling asleep now! Quality Control is really wasting my time larr! haha! =DD well, just felt like blogging now. hees... coz i know u guys miss me right!!?? *kening naek2* 19/11/09 so many things happened yesterday. hmmm. where do i start.... ok, first thing in the morning. i was late! and as per normal, if i'm late, ramdan will call me. wonder how he does that. when i'm early or on time, he wont call me. but if i'm late he'd call. cool kan!!?? haha! kk. so we reached school ard 9+. PED lecture was over by then. cikgu very pemalas..! haha! but she's lawa seyy!! OMG! ok. then like someone pissed me off. being all bossy and ordering me ard. WTF! but ya. then my mood was off after that. then thought a moment to myself. hunny fetching me, why sedih. so i was hype like usual again. =)) suddenly hunny called. he's stucked outside his house. haiyo. really felt bad. coz he didnt get enough rest and i wanted to meet him like so bad. but told him just update me if anything! then suddenly he called and said he's otw to NYP. i was smiling all the way. excited to meet him! then he kinda surprised me. coz i didnt expect him to know his way to wherever i were at. then he hugged me from the back and kissed me. hees... *blushing* then he was pissed with me. sorry syg... =(( then gado abit and ok already. haiyo. farr, better change k babe!! always make hunny pissed and mad. hmph! then linda, ifah, hamka went off home.. me and hunny just stayed and talk2... then planned to spend the night together. but someone called saying he needs to go to work. ='( saket hati sey dgr. hmph. but nvm, work means work k hunny? haiz. asyik gado aje kite ni. but nvm. it always make me love u more for tomorrow and never lesser from today. =DD then he sent me till yishun coz he's late for work. so i headed home to meet nana for training. OMG! it's like 2 more days to competition! WTH! and ya, got the venue! it's at Yio chu kang CC! at amk! better be there. watch me !!! =DD timing is between 10am-6pm... but not cnfirmed. hees. better end now... cncntrate farr!!! =)) MISS ME! =D I will be there at the end of the day
Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 18:18
Today really sucks. But everything's fine now. started from last night actually. slight argument turned into a huge one. i cried all night till i fell asleep. luckily i wasnt late for school. really felt bad so decided to try and put things right. i made the first move. fucked me upside down after that with words that really started my day "very well"... ever since, long texting back and forth. didnt expect anything but it was over. thought about it till a call came along. was having quality control lecture. went out to answer the call. really thought it was important. got those words again till i went for lab. OMG! im the class rep but i was the last one to enter lab. teacher was abit pissed. i'm sorry. text again. but got a call again about my ego. well, gotta admit, my ego's super high. school ended at 5pm. and the whole day mind was off. off about this. threw tantrums at ppl. with cramps. what a fucking day! didnt even wanna eat. just ate puffs and biscuits. just the thought of it in my head. wondering what actions done, what's gonna happen... finally, when i was otw home. got a call. i answered. no words hurt me. just words which made me smile. i was just speechless. wanted to rest so hung up the phone and here i am blogging. just received a text msg, saying... "i can't imagine a minute without you. i love you more than yesterday, and my love never lesser for tomorrow." smiling damn widely right now. dnnoe what to do, dnnoe what to say. just wanna see u again and feel the warmth of ur hugs. I love u hunny! =)) ♥ 24/10/09 ♥ Excitement!
Sunday, November 15, 2009, 23:10
Hello again! Just really feel like blogging. Too stressed out studying maths for tomorrow's test. so, alot of things happened today. firstly met up with linda and ifah. had lunch first. then didnt expect hunny to come down there. kinda surprise for me but yea loved it coz he was there. =)) he's supposed to teach me maths the whole of today. but too bad, we got commitments. he had his night class and i need to get back to ifah and linda. so i rode on his bike...! wee... best la!! but kn, he abit giler. speed untill like super fast. i was like SLOW DOWN!! haha... farr pengecut sikit part ni. hahahahaha!! so we went to blaja la. he taught me smpi bingit sey! im sorry dear. im dumb sometimes. hmm. lotsa ppl say im dumb all the time. so ya... haha! =DD he really saved me for tmw's test. now i'm suppose to continue my revision. but having a break to blog. haha! sempat sey farr... so tmw's gonna be a tiring day for me. school starts at 8am. ends around 3pm. then meet nana to train silat (abit). then at night training with the rest (intensive). so many bruises. really hope i can win something after all the hardwork i put for this. hmm. i'm confident ok!! thx to ppl ard me always supporting me... let's name them... haha! if not mentioned sorry. if mentioned, means i really want u to come and because of u my smangat is there to train. =)) Tok Rahim, Abg Nas, family, Yan, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai, BFFLs, Farhan, Farhan NYP, dzul, Nana, bdk2 silat and all la yg help out or will be coming or have been motivating me and supporting me so that i nvr give up. sorry coz i almost gave up solo category. but i wnna prove that i am who i am. haha!! sounds a lil wrong. but nvm. ok, better get back to revision, if not Yan bising. hehehe... Sayang kamu! =)) Miss me ok!! =DDD Is it true?
Saturday, November 14, 2009, 18:52
A very close friend told me this. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesnt, then it was never meant to be. If it's true, i'm always here waiting for it to come back to me.... Silat Training
, 18:33
Hey peeps! decided to blog this post yellow coz it's about silat training... which is KUNINGAN! =)) so well, today is suppose to be a long training as it's a Saturday and i was looking forward to it. Then when i reach fuchun cc which was at 2.30pm, i was alone. i called my mate and he said strt at 3pm. i was pissed abit. i mean my mood swing came back. i cant help it, with all the cramps. i easily get mad at ppl. so bear with me k? then i practice my solo a lil before the rest came. then my tok silat called me, saying he's stuck at dnnoe where. if he havnt reach at 5.30pm, we can just go off. so i was like ok! =D then one by one came... i was very down coz tired. then suddenly mood changed and i became that crazy farr again. haha... then we practice our masal, so many changes. we got mixed up but manage to pull thru. =) fun la!! we were really slacking sey! since i'm the only girl, as usual, i always got bullied. hmph...! nvm, got used to it already... so while practising, all kind of craps happened... saiful's seluar got buttons. then haikal "stripped" him... and mcm2 la... become bapok la, so many things la... hilarious la! so after that we just lepak... then 5.30pm, so we went off... man, im and adi went off... the rest headed to teh tarik. haikal and wan got themselves nasi ayam to eat at ful's house. me and ful waited there... then we head off... they went to lepak at ful's house. while i headed home... now here i am just blogging while waiting for family to siap... we got kenduri today, my nek cik and tok cik going haji so got kenduri for them.. and my atok just went home from hospital after his bypass... alhamdulillah he's ok now... still remembered him not talking much and not wanting to eat.. sedih u know!! ='( but he's ok now... =DDDD so better end here. if not mama bising sey... her voice ah, FUHH!! tk leh angs!! haha! Miss me!! =))) Hello New World!
Friday, November 13, 2009, 17:19
Hello peeps! guess what! living the single life now! WOW! so going to enjoy this lifestyle to the fullest. no one to restrict me from doing anything. GOSH! i love myself! =DDD SINGLE LIFE! Random stuff with Darling Friends =DD
, 17:19
Hello peeps!! missed me? well, have been wanting to update my blog since ages ago. but yea, either too tired or too lazy. we have been having crazy days personally. each and evryone of us. haha! lol! we caught Paranormal Activity yesterday. It was so FUN yet scary!! haha!! but ya, we were so terrified la. i mean like hamka and hatta who act cool everytime were scared also. hamka closed his eyes sey!! i saw! and he hid behind ifah at some scenes sey! WTH kn!! =P ya and the last part was super scary...! but the best part is, there's two endings to it. go find the second one urself!! hees... =D it has been crazy these days la... like our jokes getting funnier... have been laughing our ass off sey! it's very fun being with them. whenever i'm down, i'm always happy being with them. but whenever i'm at home, i really feel super down. i mean thinking about everything i could possibly think of. so basically, i havent got over certain things that may look like i got over. ya, im smiling just for the sake of smiling. but deep inside, only God knows... but i'm happy with my life now, with Yan, and all my friends there to cheer me up. thanks korg. =DD SSSSSSSSAYANG KORG! =)) sorry hamka kacau kau nye SSSS!! hahaha! Now about silat. well i've been improving ppl!! weee..... guess gotta end here. hamka angry liao. haha! i can't stop typing this particular letter SSSSSS... Just another post...
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 23:49
Hello peeps! =)) well, now i'm just pure tired. But really feel like blogging so here i am. well, it's saturday. so de normal. went for extra training. well, basically training for upcoming silat competition. i so wnna win. coz like da dpt spotlight, so must win!! but i've got no cnfidence. coz i so suck now after so long no training. so ya, hope to improve so much. got like 2 wks to train sey... =(( but kan, i so love the group nye part la... COOL!!! haha... hope we win in that category. then like ya, in between trainings got breaks. then as per normal, tok open some new moves to us. well, he said KEEP IT TO OURSELVES like so many times. so i guess cant go on. coz it's kinda dirty, haha! I LIKE!! =))) well, it's about self defence sey! haha! i like the ball bearing part. LMAO! then after training, slack at teh tarik. met up wf nana tgther with the two haikals... slack2... then went home to wash up. (damn tired!!) but then, have to meet linda to get de microsoft office disc. coz need to do lab report. =S but nvm, my semangat is there so weee... =DD wanted to meet darling yan. but like he got kenduri, then if wnna meet, need to go sengkang. jauh pe, my mum dah bising abt going hme late. so like ya, sorry hunny! now i think he's mad at me la but ya, i met member coz of assignment. tidak i stay home and rest. but ya, nana tagged along to meet linda. got the disc and went to get my mum her plum drink. she had been asking for that drink, sounds wrong right? feel like asking her this, " mama mengidam ni ader lagi ke ?" get it? so like ya, when we reached msl, nana was like nk trberak!! then i say, go home la, rumah dkat wat. then she mati2 wnna berak at msl stn, so i went off frst. coz abg call already. hmph! so now just waiting for darling yan to reply my msgs... =(( and ya, missing smeone so much...! miss hugging that person so much! hope it's not a mistake that i've made. ='( ok, shud end here now. body aching too much and really hope all of u can be there to support me during my competition... 22nd Nov. make urselves free!! =DD Miss me!!! <3 Happy 19th Birthday Mastura!
Friday, November 6, 2009, 00:23
Hello peeps!!! =DDD First things first... HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY MASTURA!!! =)))) Wow, MRT kite da kakak MRT sey. haha! jkjk. so ya. hope ur wishes do come true. Maintain ur lovely smile. Improve ur style hor!! hahaha... I LOVE YOU MAS!! today was not much excitement for me. well, we only had 2hrs of school. after we're done celebrating dear mastura's birthday, they had to study for a maths test. so like tk leh kacau... so me, ifah, linda and ramdan just sat dwn and kinda slack. it was raining, so was perfect timing for me to go to my lala land. =D my head was seriously spinning round. mybe coz of ramdan's cologne. but usually not, so i guess it's just my head. then ifah wanted to eat so much. so headed to mac, ramdan had to blanje ifah coz he lost the bet. he's supposed to beat ifah to sch evryday, but seems like he didnt. haha! then now he wnna bet with me abt the same issue. coz im also always late like him. HMPH! then me, ifah and linda went to catch My Girlfriend's An Agent. Super kelakar la! wnna watch it again can!!! really laughed my ass off. then headed to AMK hub's mac and waited for khai and hamka. then ate mcflurry and just talk craps and the jinx game, but i always melatah their name so like GRR!!! I was kinda pissed tday with smebdy though. i mean stop being arrogant and all that. ppl praise u so much that u become like this i guess... u've totally changed. but all i can do is live with it. and ya, trying to accept things the way it is now. So, thought of meeting darling. but wasnt feeling too well to even board the train alone. ifah and hamka help me to the train and off home. thx korg! then met nana at msl stn and headed to my place. used de lappy for awhile but really talked more. so many things not updated abt us. then i txt darling yan and he asked me to meet him under my blk. i was like WHAT!! he's under my blk??? how sweet can he be? i mean a day at work under the sun then still cn cme down to msl. he live very far sme more. i really love u lah can!!! then had a long chat. and we're off home. he got me nuggets though. cute kn?? hahaha! okok tk cute, but sweet... (dnnoe why he doesnt like being labeled cute) so ya, guess gotta end here if not tmw cnnt wake up for sch... =S miss me peeps! Love u all! =))) Lab report MUCH!
Sunday, November 1, 2009, 23:54
Hello AWESOME ppl! =)) i'm back blogging... hahaha... well, had a lot going thru now. but i still can blog coz i really feel like blogging abt it. Firstly, i must say this, HAPPY 45Th BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! =)) we didnt really celebrate it coz me and my brother had school matters to finish. i got a feeling daddy was upset about it. sorry, but at least i was there with my family celebrating it and NOT with my friends. Family do matter for me ok!! so first passed him his present. OMG! he's like 45! I got him an Adidas shirt which i got from Vietnam. =PP mummy and adek2 got him jeans. so ya, we literally queued up to give him a kiss on his cheeks!! how sweet are we??! i was the last one coz like i'm the eldest and ya, my abg wasnt there so i'm the last child to kiss. then mummy was like "MY TURN!" i was like WAH! excited sey dier! and she kissed him on his lips... i was like AWWW........ so ya, then they headed to atok's place. and i was alone at home. waiting for darling Yan to reply my texts. Finally, he called after mummy went off. i was like bagus, at least he teman me, im not alone after all... So tday, planned to finish lab report with ifah and linda. But ifah kinda canceled it with no valid reasons. so ya, we just assume that she's tired after work. so drew my onion cell, snapped photos and went off to meet linda. before that, some frens jz was having their problems. i feel so guilty not being there. but ya, planned to meet linda at 5pm but ended up meeting her at 5.22pm. always late, That's us. Sorry... =)) made our way to marina square, had early dinner and started work. but ya, spend most of the time talking. at least we finished it!! =DD so ya, headed to Ben and Jerry's to eat ice-cream! i had cookie dough (FAV!!) and tried de strawberry cheesecake(yayat said it was nice, so decided to try). Linda got herself choc fudge brownie. we waited for darling Yan coz he wasnt in the mood. well, bad hair day. he wanted to trim abit. but ended up BOOM! guess that's what he means... so i was hoping i could cheer him up. so ya, we just started having a bite and he called and said im here. i was like, woah! that was fast! so headed outside to meet him. Linda got to know him more i suppose... haha! and ya, we really spent our time to chit chat. Baek gossip, puji and whatever la.... so ya, then headed home... as usual, linda dropped off at AMK. and we continued on to marsiling. then ya, decided to spend more time with darling Yan. so ya, sat down and bobal la... so we had a "talk"... hahaha! and man, he's scary at times ok!! he knows everything abt me! but sometimes i do love it coz like i dn have to say much but he knew. not like some guys, who expects everything frm us. THX! ya, then he sent me to my blk. as usual, hugged and kissed. and hugged damn tight again. haha!!! =))) so now, suppose to finish tutorials but ya, need to chill abit. lastly, khai: no matter what happens, have faith. dun always think the negative. i'm always here if u need a punching bag. i mean it. u wnna sparr? bring it on! hahaha!! Linda: u've been there for me all this while. thx alot. hope i can do the same for u. so ya, if u need me to chill or what. just press my number and i'm there. CEHH!!! magic pe?? haha! Mia: i'm sorry for everything i said. didnt mean it. u're the one whom i trust the most. whom i really share my secrets with. so ya, i hope i am too. =)) missing the chilling sessions and confession sessions with u. Ifah: not hearing much from u nowadays. hope u're doing ok. stay mepek and lame k girl? =)) Hamka: heard abt ur fren's death. sorry to hear. but be strong. ppl have to go when they have to. im always here too! =)) BFFLs: sorry i couldnt make it for the Wild wild wet. missing everyone of u LOTS! hope u guys had fun that day. though i do feel missed out like all the time now... =(( i know i'm there in ur heart right?? and ya, i got alot to update u guys. MISS U!! =DDD Guess that's all for now... will update the photos soon! PROMISE! =))) MISS ME PPL!!! |
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