![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Happy 11th Month Sayang!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009, 03:59
Hello peeps! sorry i didnt update on hari raya outing with friends. Will update it soon!! PROMISE!! Anyway, tday is 021009! it's my 11th month being with muhammad farhan bin fhaidil! i'm so excited! But, sorry baby, coz 051009 i'll be off to vietnam. =( So, yesterday was baby's passing out parade, POP for short. Before his POP i had to go to sch, for the briefing for Vietnam trip. then met up with mia, ramdhan and ayah. Oh ya btw, to ibu whose eyes is so swollen, get well soon! =))) But then, ayah a lil late lor. then i scared cnnt make it in time for the POP, i say "lets a take a cab people!!" and ramdhan was with all of his jokes... STUPID!! The ceremony very damn GEREK!! so cool! can;t believe my baby's a fire fighter and can do all of the performance shown. hmm... once shows all finish, we went to put his fire badge on him. kesian baby, berpeluh, nangis... cute la baby ku ni. so long nvr see him cry, the last time was on our 3rd month i think. he was crying abt chubby.. tkpe by, kite ader. =D SAYANG KAMU LA! ok then after he bersurai, we go MAKAN!! got buffet! yumyum... got ice-cream la sey! but the drink was super manis la! and baby was like introducing all his sirs to ayah. cute la dier! then finally he gave me some attention, i mean he was "ignoring" me the whole time. But nvm, i know he's so excited. he hugged me, n i was like aww... best nye!! even with his sweat or whatever. I love his smell la! hahaha! i know it's disgusting but what to do, dah sayang... ohya, skali got sound or what la, then all of them grab their helmets and run to assemble! and baby was so cacat la! he still can hug mia, kiss me and like say bye to ramdhan and kiss and hug me again. Cute la baby ku yg satu ni! haha! satu je by, sumpah! so, now, he said he dun wnna sleep tonight but my calls are not entertained. saddening i know. just waiting for the time to wake him up. Happy 11th Month Sayang!! LOVE YOU!! muacks!!! |
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