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What you got Boy is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I;m all strung out, my heart is fried
I just can't get You off my mind
welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com!
i am Fariani!
Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short.
well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family.
Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai!
Living a world being short is fun!
Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone!
Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it!
And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me.
but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =))

Monday, September 28, 2009, 04:29

I have been thinking lately...

This big question mark in my head, everytime it happens, i'm always there.

Why ppl forget ppl?

Why do friends forget friends?

Why do friends help friends if they're going to be forgotten?

I keep asking myself.

I don't expect anything from friends.

Just that, don't forget what i did for you.

If it's not for me, you won't meet people that you wanna meet.

I really want this to end...!

I hate all of this. I've seen it so many times.

Perhaps it's a small thing to you. But sorry, not to me.

If it were to be someone else i'm certain that he/she will feel the same way.

Lucky for me, I still have my dear BFFLs.

Thanks alot for everything dear friends who forget friends.

I'm waiting to get an answer from you.

I hate my life now! it's like everywhere around me that i turn my head to, there will always be a fight.

Be it at home/outside/on the phone...

With baby/mummy/daddy...

Between mummy and others/between others and others...

Just stop fighting pls!

Stop shouting around! Stop swearing people!

Stop blaming people!

baby's POP coming. He's damn excited, but I'm always ruining his happiness.

So far, in this 2 nights, guess got into arguments every single time we talked on the phone.

Which is like 4 times?

I'm sorry baby. But i guess this is me. Always ruining people's lives.

I wonder how we survive this relationship.

You made so many sacrifices. You gave in so many times. You never stop advising me.

You don't get sick and tired of me. You continue to love me no matter what.

I'm so lucky to have you in my life, to be showered with love by you.

thanks baby!

At home, all I can hear/feel are swearings, shouts, anger...

When can all of this stop?

so old, so religious but what's with the swearing bad things of your own family.

The family, the people who take care of everything you need to survive.

We gave you a personal room for prayers and for you to do things without any disturbances.

Yet you treat us like shit. Like as though we let you eat shit everyday.

All we want from you is just some prayers for us to live longer or to open up our door of wealth.

But instead, u swear us to die. For our business to be ruined, for us to get sick and whatever you can think of!

OMG! I just feel like screaming out loud asking u to shut up.

WHY are you treating us this way?

WHY are you trying to turn against us?

WHY do you think we hate you?

A day out with baby...
Sunday, September 27, 2009, 16:53

Hello peeps! OMG blog so not updated.
i apologise for that. =)
hmmm so, i went out with baby yesterday! =DD
after such a long time.
and congrats syg! for passing out soon! i promised u i'll be there, so i WILL be there.
k back to the outing.
So again planned to go Hort Park. But as usual, didn't go...
baby wanna go his friend's open house at Jurong West area.
told me last minute some more, and i was already outside. i wear so simple(buruk!!) and he wear so smart and nice. Hmph! dun wan ur wifey to look pretty right?
but nvm. then he got a call from his commander saying he can pass out.
WOW! my heart was pumping with joy.
Looking at his face, about to break down with joy, he hugged me.
i was like aww... congrats dear. TOLD U THAT U CAN DO IT!!
Need to get his invitation card at his commander's house at admiralty at night.
So, brainstorm to what to do next till night.
Finally decided to go watch movie at Jurong point.
we watched Phobia2!!
it's like super horror at first till 4th story...
den a great twist!!
haha! BABY SCARED!!!!!!!!
then reached home and .................................................................................................................
i dun wnna explain more. just hurts me so bad.
guess i'm just too bad...
but well, trying hard to change...

Buker with coursemates!
Friday, September 11, 2009, 15:43

That night coursemates ajak buker at Zamzam.
well, most went. but my 'click' only linda came. hmph.
khai can't make it, hamka got training and ifah was working.
but nvm, coz linda, shamira, farid, saiful, rasyid,zahir,farah n her fren. *if missed out anybody, sorry!*
so planned to meet at bugis stn at 5pm.
i met linda first at AMK stn, n she gave me a huge bag with a present in it.
then headed to Bugis.
Otw, at orchard stn, shamira started calling.
we were like shit, its 5pm. dun tell me smue da smpi.
den when we reach, everybody reach already.
well, its undeniable that we're always late. =PP
then one by one wished me birthday! (i was shocked! coz linda said nobody knows)
then headed to Zamzam. stengah jalan, linda's sis uat hal. so they went off and me n linda settle de "hal".
i mean it ok. made linda damn pissed off.
dun wnna talk abt it uh.
smpi zamzam, we were 30 min early.
played psp. played all sorts of nonsense la!
then buker and wow! i'm tong sampah again...
then they were like "mengumpat-ing" abt me. they whisper2 then look at me,
i was like "what???"
haha.. abit pissed off la.. but i know they wanna cheer me up. =)
then headed to sheesha. we kinda split up.
then while waiting for saiful and zahir, we bobal mepek.
suddenly, farid made me turn to him, play chopstick.
i say ok lor! but then he play chopstick with 2 fingers.
then i was like "kau tau maen tk?"
then frm behind i heard, "happy birthday to u! ....."
i was like WHAT!!!!
with that blank surprised face!
i took de bantal and smack farid!
haha! ksian dier.
den we ate cake and chit chat la.
fun la dorg.
then play murderer.
damn difficult sey coz some ppls' eyes were just too small..
HAHAHA! *looking at saiful and zahir*
i enjoyed everything.! thx korg! sayang kamu!

Happy 10th Month Sayang! =]]
Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 23:11

OMG peeps! today is 02/09/09!!
it's me n farhan's 10th month tgether...! =]]
wow! baby! happy 10th month..!
but i'm still sad.
coz we didnt get to celebrate together, he's in camp right now...
all we did was just chat on the phone... =[
well, i almost forgot to wish him... but i did!
Now i feel so sad. i'm having a huge problem and he's the only one who understands me.
i'm seriously needing him right now. but well, what to do, he's in camp now.
got to adapt to situations.
i really feel like i lost him last night. he fell asleep.
though he talked while asleep, i did laugh, but in my heart it's flooding.
my tears flooded it.
i'm not blaming you, dear.
everytime u ask me to put u to sleep, i'm always so sad.
it's not that i dn wnna put u to sleep.
But, it's just that, it really rminds me how far apart we are.
i just miss those times having u ard everytime.
u were always there accompanying me to study when exams come.
u were always there to console me.
I wonder when i can be with u as we were before.
we used to quarrel everytime we meet.
it just made us stronger. Look at we're standing now.
nvr did my love fade. though i said it before.
u know it nvr did fade right?
OMG! what's wrong with me?
we're still strong together now.
u're always here with me, in my heart.
u always say this, "no matter how far we are, our hearts always stick together.
FarFar sayang Farhan <3

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