![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Monday, August 31, 2009, 01:31
Hey peeps! i'm back to blog coz i really can't take it any longer... i really wanna throw all my feelings here so whoever's not happy with me, i dun care. this is my blog, my property! Now on the phone with baby... he's asleep but i'm just expressing my feelings... i know i have been a huge pain in evryone's ass, i'm sorry... but at least i know how to take care of other people's feelings... i won't come looking for them when crisis occur... be it financially, physically, mentally or whatever la! i go round looking for ppl when i'm in crisis and in joy! i dun treat her/him like shit when i've got another company... i dun care, about whatever u need now ok bitch! all i know is that i will be there if u need me, but not all the time... i sacrifice alot for u, I MEAN ALOT! even if i'm busy, i'd take it off for u. but u? OMG! when u have what u want, i'm invisible? who do u think i am? when no one's ard to accompany u or to help u out, u call me? be it in the morning or at night... i dun mind, but look at the way u're treating me...! i feel so disgusted looking at u with ur company. i mean whenever she's ard, i'm like ur nemesis. looking at me as though i'm a whole stranger to u. whenever she's around, u won't even utter a word to me... but u'd make fun of me tgther with her... pls la... do u have a heart to feel what others may feel? even someone who knows u so well was pissed off at the time u looked at me in that negative way... not welcoming me but criticising me...? WTH! if u just wnna be friends with me for what i have and what i can do? i'm sorry, then find ur real Best friend when u need help. but if i'm someone who u'd say a best friend for life, then i'm always here for u... baby said, "i dun wan u to end ur friendship with her. but stop hurting urself... talk things out with her... i can help u if u need my help.." all i said was " nehhh. it's ok la... i can't stand her ego. not admitting her mistakes and all... it will just get bigger. n i dun wan to end our friendship... i mean we're BFFLs after all...if that's what she anggap me as la..." haiz... she told me once before that i'm her BFFL and she's not choosing friends. i believe u once at that point of time... i guess not anymore... u've proven me wrong... now i wnna study for CEP... thx to u i've no mood to study... so ya, i'd end here i guess. Monday, August 17, 2009, 23:14
Hey peeps!Finally i'm blogging again... i know u miss me right? =P ok well, so today has so many ups n downs... i planned to blaja wf linda but she wake up late... well, nsib baik mia say she ended school already... then met mia and go mkn at cwp's banquet... makan nasi ayam penyet... but this one, the nasi also penyet!! haha... but SEDAP!! must try! =] me n mia finished it though.. =] then we bought movie tix to Qrphan... BEST GILER SEY!! well, me n mia, nangis at some point... i mean like u have to watch to understand what i mean... ok, well... then went to library to blaja... then nifa smpi and i trkjut coz i dnnoe she's coming... then mia cry... =[[ i dnnoe how to pujok her... sorry mia.. =[ i still love u though, u know that right? =] cheer up k hunny? things are gonna be better next time... just chill for now... =]] then we go mac... and got mango smoothie and oreo cheesecake!!!!!!!!!!! YUMYUM! my cravings before puasa... hah! nxt wk puasa sey... =S nvm, think positive, can kurus! YAY! =D then mia suddenly say wnna go carpark.... (the most peaceful place or us) it's smewhere u dnnoe but i know... ok lame... so, sat on the latch. lame tk gi sane, so we scared abit... haha! took a few photos (uploaded next post)... then we watch sme guys play soccer at the street soccer court nearby.. we kacau2 them and stuff... then we started singing to Brave.. lovely song i tell u! then when we wnna go off, we BYE at the guys... they ask for number, but we give random numbers.... then i fell of the latch... CACAT! mia n nifa laughed non-stop... hmph! then while walking bck to admiralty MRT stn, the guys kejar us frm the bck.. guess what we did... WE RAN! OMG! haha... cacat giler! Then went home... now oovoo-ing with hamka, khai n linda... n oh ya, hamka broke up with khai!!! u dnnoe how happy i am right now... HAHA! ok so, this wk... so many happy things happen!! firstly, baby bought me new Puma sweater!! LAWA! thanks baby! SAYANG AWK LAH! next, mummy bought new hp (samsung JET) for my birthday in advance... thirdly, i got big oppurtunity to compete in Silat Competition again!! WOOHOO! spotlight! yay!! =]] ok, so i think i gotta stop now... don't forget to remember me! LOVE U ALL! =]] MISS ME! =]] Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 22:39
![]() Just feel like putting this pic... In memory of our "relationship"... =]] waiting for u MOON!! haha!! , 21:53
Hey peeps! decided to blog again... =]] Well, today is quite merepek!! haha... well, i "skipped" two comm skills lessons, which i'm suppose to present... well, not my fault i couldn't wake up... =[ nvm... class was suppose to start at 8am... waited for ifah's msg and i fell asleep again... woke up at 7.58am... OMG! jahat kn time... haha! well, then i so lazy... i told her just say i sick or wat... so jahat, i noe... haiyo... promise myself not to do this again... well, then suddenly my phone rang... sch number sey... i pick up skali JO JAMES!!! haha... well, i was like shit... like wnna run to sch sey coz she say she wan me to present... but she gave me a chance... thursday to present... phew... but then at C2 sey... GOSH! hamka's class!! cnfrm i laugh n laugh sey... ok... haha... oh ya... TODAY!!! KHAI go evrywhere with us sey!! BEST KN??! haha.. k after that we planned to eat at pastamania... skali got IPC lecture... Leceh... then cancel so decided to go tmw... hope jadi la... well, after IPC lecture, we go eat at macdonald... after that just sit n chit chat... so long sey nvr chit chat with anybdy... then we were talking cock la!! haha... hamka klakar lah!! oh ya... i broke up with moon!! =[ didnt expect a break up... then i tk sengaje blurt out abt my scandals, including him... haha... gosh! he patch wf linda... NOT FAIR! nvm, i noe he "love" me... =]] haha!! LINDA!! moon with me ok!! haha... i dn wnna talk abt going eat after school finish... =]] u noe i noe..!! =] then went home... hate guys who disturb girls who are alone la...!! irritating...!! =S Decided to call someone i nvr chat with for so long... u noe i noe... the smiling palm... GOSH! klakar lah tu!! haha... well, ok... hope u dun mind i write it on my blog... =P so, since ur fav colour is blue/red... i take red... haha! coz i like red here... =P sweet kn farfar... i noe rite? haha...! PPL! my birthday coming ok!! ingt tau 10 september!! =]] then yesterday talked otf with baby... manje2 sey.. haha! GOSH! i mean like da lame sey tk manje2 ngn dier... asyik pt camp je... HMPH! then he blurt out evrything he plan to buy for me... GEREK!! wnna noe what? haha... for 10th monthsary, he buying me sweater that da lame gile i wan!! =P then my birthday i dnnoe... SHOOT! I WNNA NOE! =P then for my first anniversary, he wnna buy me hp... tk sbr la!! lagi 2 bulan!!! AARGGHH!! Sweet nye awk baby!! SAYANG AWAK!! =]] take care k pt camp... da nk POP i noe... dn worry abt me baby... kite syg awk la!! =]] MUUUUAAAAACCCKKZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Farfar<3abang 021108 Friday, August 7, 2009, 02:43
Hey peeps! i'm blogging again. so, today went out with BFFL! but nifa couldn't make it. =[ it was super last minute! one minute i was asking for mia... the next all of us met up... then we went to orchard.. well, it was 7 in the evening when we met up. super late rite? haha... well, once in a while only we do this... i really had fun though it was a fast one... ok, so hopefully on my birthday got to meet all of them... (still wishing) we ate ayam penyet!! but i didnt coz i just ate... then i kept on taking pics of them eating and bla bla... haha.. damn funny la... especially when they were complaining abt the dish being spicy... den someone fart... haha!!! guess who!! we were like OMG!! haha... de sound super funny! then mia go n revenge... haha... u know i know.. *kening naek* OK. so today sucks... i hate it! well, we had semestral project final presentation... we skipped IPC tutorial and maths lecture to finish the ppt sey! LIKE OMG LA!! -____- stayed up super late last night to finish it up. yes, me... for the first time doing a grp prject thing.. cool kn? haha... i mean it's always ifah or linda... far tk prnah uat sey... haha... better be proud ppl! =P then my formal attire like super nt formal la... i mean my skirt is with mia... then i called n called her n she didnt pick up... gosh. was super duper mad sey... luckily linda's house was near... then asked her sis to send a skirt to us... need to blanje her sey.. then we were last to present... AGAIN!! irritating sey.. but yea... we know the fact that save the best for the last... =]] Yea... then my lappy is crashing soon la... got virus... i remember i got it frm DARYAN!!! alamak!! then now still trying to reboot it... someone help me pls!!! =S i really got wild imagination going on in my head sey! somebody pls ease my mind... =[ ok.. so tday's friday right? guess wat... BABY's booking out again! yay!! haha... well, we just had a small quarrel just now... abt me going home late... haiya... haha... i know it's the best for me baby... thx for ur love! we cried on the phone sey just now... or maybe just me... now a bit sore... haha... so, later meeting baby! kinda excited...!!!!!! miss him lots sey! better give me a tight and comfortable hug k baby?? LOVE YOU! Sunday, August 2, 2009, 19:59
I'm missing every single one of u so much..! this is the only photo that all 6 are in... can i pls have a new one?? haha... i know exams are coming for some... i wish u all the best.. pls reply to my text messages... aisyah and me wnna meet u either on monday or friday... pls tell me ur schedules, so we can meet aites... MISSING ALL OF U DEARLY! IRNIFA! MIA! AISYAH! YAYAT! NUTT! FARFAR! 6 BFFLs together stay strong forever!! =]] And lastly, baby just booked in again... :( on our 9th month sey, i feel so sad lah! but nvm, he only got 8 mre wks left... got to meet him is good enough... i know how u suffer in there... but u have stories for our children ltr... (MACAM PAHAM!!!) and i'll be here waiting for u to come home dear... take care of urself k? dun worry about me...! I LOVE FARHAN!!! , 00:01
can't believe it's already 9 months... but now u in camp... :( nvm... well, i so hate monthsaries or anniversaries... coz like there's always a like "gado" session before the day... haiyo... nvm... i'm sorry baby about everything... i made u FUCKed up and PISSed off with me... just 1 thing to say... i was super punched in the face and shot thru the heart when u said that... there's no need for words that harsh... i'm not in the mood... decided to release it by going out, chilling around... but seems like u dun allow me to it... well, ppl say u're starting to really control me because u feel insecure abt me... because u miss me, worry abt me or love me too much... yes, i know that... but why to this extend? haiz... i'm so bingit right now... dnnoe how to portray myself... dnnoe how to impress u anymore... everything i do seems to be wrong in ur eyes... i''m sorry again for everything... trying my best to slowly get over everything and just change for u... since that may(in my eyes) impress u or make u happy... btw, u have changed alot ever since in NS... i dun really like it... maybe after u finish it, u'll be better... i still love you though... don't ever think i'm gonna let u go... lastly HAPPY 9 MONTH SAYANG!! FARFAR SAYANG ABANG<3 021108 |
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