![]() welcome to www.reminiscense-of-life.blogspot.com! i am Fariani! Ppl call me Farfar or Farr for short. well, i'm living a fun-filled small little world with a sweet loving family. Together sharing my happines with beloved BFFLs Mia,Nutt,Aisyah,Nifa and Yayat! And not forgetting darling close babes and dudes, Linda, Ifah, Hamka, Khai! Living a world being short is fun! Loving spending every minute living with laughters from everyone! Life is too short to be miserable, so Live with it! And oh my! i'm turning 18 this september! GOSH! 18 is such nt a good number to me. but, just watch out! here i come BEEP BEEP! with my cute lil car! SOON!! =)) (more?:D) |
Silat Training
Saturday, November 14, 2009, 18:33
Hey peeps! decided to blog this post yellow coz it's about silat training... which is KUNINGAN! =)) so well, today is suppose to be a long training as it's a Saturday and i was looking forward to it. Then when i reach fuchun cc which was at 2.30pm, i was alone. i called my mate and he said strt at 3pm. i was pissed abit. i mean my mood swing came back. i cant help it, with all the cramps. i easily get mad at ppl. so bear with me k? then i practice my solo a lil before the rest came. then my tok silat called me, saying he's stuck at dnnoe where. if he havnt reach at 5.30pm, we can just go off. so i was like ok! =D then one by one came... i was very down coz tired. then suddenly mood changed and i became that crazy farr again. haha... then we practice our masal, so many changes. we got mixed up but manage to pull thru. =) fun la!! we were really slacking sey! since i'm the only girl, as usual, i always got bullied. hmph...! nvm, got used to it already... so while practising, all kind of craps happened... saiful's seluar got buttons. then haikal "stripped" him... and mcm2 la... become bapok la, so many things la... hilarious la! so after that we just lepak... then 5.30pm, so we went off... man, im and adi went off... the rest headed to teh tarik. haikal and wan got themselves nasi ayam to eat at ful's house. me and ful waited there... then we head off... they went to lepak at ful's house. while i headed home... now here i am just blogging while waiting for family to siap... we got kenduri today, my nek cik and tok cik going haji so got kenduri for them.. and my atok just went home from hospital after his bypass... alhamdulillah he's ok now... still remembered him not talking much and not wanting to eat.. sedih u know!! ='( but he's ok now... =DDDD so better end here. if not mama bising sey... her voice ah, FUHH!! tk leh angs!! haha! Miss me!! =))) |
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